
We're on FM Radio!!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Andrea and Yasmin spoke with Eddie Francis of 98.5FM WYLD this morning (Sun. May 25 2008) in New Orleans, LA. We discussed our organization, our mission, and our upcoming Healthy Living EXPO!!!!!!! HOORAH!!!!!


Sunday Journal - May 25 2008 - Consciously Rebuilding.mp3

The State of Environmental Justice in America Conference 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

On May 21-24, 2008 Yasmin Bowers attended the conference in Washington, DC. as she has a 4+ year long relationship with the Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE, EPA, government agencies, students, non-profits, and businesses all convened at the esteemed Howard University Law School to discuss the various stakeholder roles in Environmental Justice (EJ).

Consciously Rebuilding advocates that all people have equal right to a healthy environment regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic class. The DOE has set the tone for all government agencies as they are taking the Executive Order 12898 as serious as the topic itself. I would like more government agencies and corporations to address that Environmental Injustices exist and instead of arguing over data, more proactive socially responsible is needed--especially under the midst of Climate Change and Global Warming. A concerned citizen expressed that these corporations and entities contribute towards the affected community's health care. I think this is a new wave of socially responsibility and is similar to Philip Morris' outreach for health and smoking, the Casino's responsibility to encourage help for gambling addicts, and the alcohol industry's sponsorship of AA meetings. If an entity is going to continue to operate in a manner that has adverse environmental and health effects, and the precautionary principle is overlooked, then the reactive/intervening role would be to offer treatment. It's something that other industries acknowledge, and it's time for it to be applied to Environmental Justice issues.

On May 16, 2008, Yasmin and Andrea had the pleasure to attend the RainbowPUSH Coalition

2nd Gulf Coast Economic Summit. One of the take-aways that is applicable to Consciously Rebuilding relates to rebuilding and creating economic growth for New Orleans-based businesses. These businesses and organizations should be included in the rebuilding process especially since we pay City and State taxes and reinvest our money in the local economy through everyday life.

Our Workshop Featured in Global Green E-Newsletter

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

See below.....partnership working at its best

New Orleans Day in Baton Rouge

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

On May 13, 2008, Andrea and Yasmin got on a bus to Baton Rouge, LA to represent New Orleans residents and organizations that are doing great things in the rebuilding process. It is fitting that Consciously Rebuilding, Inc. be present as many stakeholders were within arms-length reach. There were music, food, drinks and a good ole fashioned New Orleans good time.

Andrea and Yasmin networked their upcoming workshop and general organizational accomplishments. There were a handful of people that struck their attention, and hopefully meetings, collaborations, and workshop attendance will come out of it.

Workshop Flyer: See below

Friday, May 9, 2008

Footwork for Consciously Rebuilding

Thursday, May 8, 2008

WBOK E-Talk Audio for 5/3/08

This is the 2nd half of our radio debut.


WBOK E-Talk Audio for 5/3/08

Here is the first half of the first time Consciously Rebuilding participated in radio :)


Professional Networks

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Throughout our journey, Andrea and I have gotten support from many individuals, organizations, and government entities. We've become quite known throughout the City as we make sure that we are involved with the many rebuilding efforts. Dr. Blakely provides inspirational words of encouragement that keep us motivated. On April 17, 2008 we were able to get a picture with Dr. Blakely.

*Photo Source: GS Visual Xpression;

WBOK Talk Radio

On Saturday, May 3, 2008 Andrea and Yasmin were guests on 1230am WBOK. They co-hosted with Chad Smith on his "Talking Back, Talking Black, and Going Green". Here are some pics as the duo discussed Consciously Rebuilding's community workshops and sustainable supportive housing projects.