Over the weekend of April 24th, Yasmin celebrated Earth Day by participating in a Chakra meditation workshop because Earth Day is just as much about your personal wellness and contribution to balance and environmental healing as it is planting trees and picking up trash. The workshop was hosted by Holeca Medi Spa—a green certified spa—at DC’s National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA). Here are some pictures from the event, including a recycled Mandala that made out of magazine clippings based on the 7 chakras--sort of “East meets Waste”. The workshop put Yasmin in great spirits and she even did a healing arts/color therapy project that was very cathartic. Here are some pics.
To finish the wonderful weekend, Yasmin had the opportunity to attend the Earth Day Network’s Climate Rally. The energy was freeing and liberating. There were so many vendors but a crowd favorite was the Avatar Tent where you can experience a taste of Pandora through face-painting and photography. They were also passing out seeds and real Na’vi were amongst us. James Cameron even made an impromptu speech. It is a sign of times that the highest grossing film in history has a ecological and compassionate theme. Here are some pics of Na’vi Yasmin.
Here are some pics of a ball of plastic bags (remember this), a whale and the general vibe of being outdoors. Yasmin would like to make a note that the green movement is becoming quite diverse. Twelve years ago environmental events were mostly white (still is), very hempy hippy with very strong/borderline antagonistic speeches. Lately we’ve noticed more age, ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic diversity, with inspirational and empowering speech—Times are a’changing. No more putting certain people down, but building certain attitudes up.
Does this tree look familiar? (HINT)I believe we have borrower from Ford. JK. This tree has leaves on it and while they didn’t make you define what green is to you (like CR did last Earth Day), the paper is made of “seed board” and they will plant all the seeds in their Detroit headquarters. Every city and company could use a little green. I put the YB Green stamp on it :)
The Roots, John Legend, Sting, Joss Stone, and Patrick (who lost weight) from Fall Out Boy all performed. James Cameron and Lisa P Jackson made appearances. The crowd even passed around…is that a beach ball? No it’s that plastic bag ball, now that’s a way to reuse plastic. ;) I hope everyone enjoyed Earth MONTH!!!!!!! We’re back,
Yasmin and Andrea
The plastic concert ball
All of the Earth Week festivities called for a little Na'vi nap. Peace.
Back With A Vengeance :)
Monday, April 26, 2010Posted by CRyb at 1:14 PM 0 comments
So it’s been a long break and cleansing for Consciously Rebuilding, Inc. We are getting back into the cyber-groove of things but Andrea and I have remained active over the past 9 months. To kick off our re-welcome, our blog has gotten a MAKEOVER thanks to Omeed Alerasool. Thank you to all of the volunteers who had design ideas, but especially to Omeed who has been a diligent worker.
We would like to kick things off with our Earth Day Celebration. On April 22, 2010, Andrea had the opportunity to attend a “Green for All” Earth Day Garden Planting with Lisa Jackson and Anthony Mackie. EPA Administrator Jackson has been an inspiration and motivation for Consciously Rebuilding. We had the opportunity to hear her speak in the past, but this time Andrea was able to network with her and share the mission of Consciously Rebuilding. It was a special event. Please be inspired by the pictures below.
Posted by CRyb at 1:03 PM 0 comments