
Majora Carter in the Lower 9th Ward

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On Monday, March 16, 2009, I had the pleasure to be inspired by Majora Carter--philanthropist, activist, community organizer, and environmental consultant, amongst other great things. I was first introduced to her at the Green For All Conference

She is an inspiration to Consciously Rebuilding, as she is on her quest for environmental justice. Her presentation described the parallels between New Orleans and the Bronx, New York. It was intriguing to see similarities in demography, geography, blended cultures, and American Music (Jazz and Hip Hop). It was also interesting to be presented concrete facts on health effects that low-income, politically vulnerable, and/or communities of color endure due to their disproportionate exposure to pollution. Like Consciously Rebuilding, Majora Carter advocates for justice, environmental,and health equity for these recovering communities. The power of voice is awesome as her words resonated with me and excited me about my own journey.

Check out her newly found company

The Commercial that she's featured in is also a fave!!!!